Melissa Ann Ricks is a woman of faith and purpose. A spiritual writer who writes from the heart. M. Ann (according to her professional title) is a wife and mom who lives and walks by faith as she seeks to please God and be His voice to the world.
Melissa is a graduate of Rider University and lives in Bear, Delaware with her loving husband and two handsome sons. She has three books to her credit, her debut novel, Awesome Wonder, The Son and the recently completed THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME. Please take a few minutes and see what Melissa is all about.
How would you describe your novel?
The Son centers itself on Daniel Manders and the Manders family. Since childhood, he has always been the one that was admired and called upon to do the right thing especially when it involved rectifying a situation for his family, specifically his brothers. Daniel Manders is considered the "chosen one” and is inwardly cognizant of this gift but decides that he doesn’t want the responsibility.
Choosing to leave home to escape his family, he lived his life without worrying about rescuing his family from themselves. Daniel soon finds himself in a situation that only the Lord can get him out of. While trying to reassemble the puzzle that he calls his family, Daniel's purpose becomes clear but God's desire and destiny for his family is challenged.
It was impressed on my heart that there are so many people that know who God is but are either afraid of being who God has called them to be or don’t think that they can handle the responsibility of being a true and uncompromising child of the Most High God. We sometimes let our fear, our families and relationships keep us from the future that God has destined for us. God has gifted so many of us, with the intelligence and the “know-how” to do so many awesome things. Men, as it relates the novel, are born leaders, they simply have to acknowledge it, stop running from who they are and stop trying to take the easy way out. The path may not be easy nor is it always convenient but if we seek Him first, everything else will be added.
What do you want your readers to take away from your novel?
The Son is a novel of responsibility, obedience and learning to be fishers of men even when it’s not convenient or when we “don’t feel like it”. Once we finally accept and walk in what God has given us; not only will we be blessed but others will as well because my God is a God of overflow. Many will reap the rewards of knowing Jesus Christ because one person boldly stated, “Here am I, send me!”
The Son is a novel of responsibility, obedience and learning to be fishers of men even when it’s not convenient or when we “don’t feel like it”. Once we finally accept and walk in what God has given us; not only will we be blessed but others will as well because my God is a God of overflow. Many will reap the rewards of knowing Jesus Christ because one person boldly stated, “Here am I, send me!”
What did you find most challenging as you wrote your novel and how did you overcome this challenge?
Writing from a male point of view was a challenge. Making Daniel, a man, the protagonist was new and uncharted waters. At times I felt unsure about being able to effectively communicate from that perspective. I simply asked God to take over and because He is faithful, He did. The words and masculine sentiment were conveyed in exactly the way I prayed they would be and the message was received.
Writing from a male point of view was a challenge. Making Daniel, a man, the protagonist was new and uncharted waters. At times I felt unsure about being able to effectively communicate from that perspective. I simply asked God to take over and because He is faithful, He did. The words and masculine sentiment were conveyed in exactly the way I prayed they would be and the message was received.
Finish this statement: I became a writer because creating and sharing stories of faith, His unconditional and unending love will change lives and provide spiritual revelation. I believe this will augment the Kingdom of God. I also believe this is what God has purposed for my life and I am determined to walk in my purpose!
Describe your journey to publication.
It seems inwardly, I knew that I was not destined to be a “corporate woman” and when my position was eliminated throughout the entire organization. I had an inkling that it was God-ordained, at least for me. I’d always loved to write and as my relationship God became stronger, my desire to write become stronger and strangely, to my surprise, a need. My yearning to please Him with the stories that I created increased. I realized that this could be my way of bringing souls into the Kingdom of God. “Tell the world about Me with the words I will give you,” is what I heard.
It seems inwardly, I knew that I was not destined to be a “corporate woman” and when my position was eliminated throughout the entire organization. I had an inkling that it was God-ordained, at least for me. I’d always loved to write and as my relationship God became stronger, my desire to write become stronger and strangely, to my surprise, a need. My yearning to please Him with the stories that I created increased. I realized that this could be my way of bringing souls into the Kingdom of God. “Tell the world about Me with the words I will give you,” is what I heard.
Admittedly, I used my occupation, (or lack thereof) as an excuse and had mixed emotions as to my next steps. After seeking the Lord and requesting and then receiving the needed confirmation, (two or three confirmations to be truthful), I finally arrived at the conclusion that writing was the path that God has placed me on. Believing that God would give me the words, I began to write my first book; Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance. My husband said something that enables me to write with confidence; “If God told you to write, then write, and stand on His promises.” After four months of searching for a publisher, God blessed me with an opportunity and the rest will certainly be “His-story”!
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned since becoming an author?
I had to learn that everyone doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Many are in this industry, even Christian Fiction, (sad to say) to make a buck; plain and simple.
If you could spend an hour talking with any author, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I know that Paul of Tarsus was inspired by God as God is the true author of the Bible but I would love to sit down and speak with him. He, with aid of the Holy Spirit wrote most of the New Testament, endured mental and physical persecution and still managed to mentor his brothers and sisters in the gospel. I would bombard Him with questions. I know I’ll get the opportunity in Heaven but then it won’t matter because I’ll be too busy hanging out with Jesus. I would love to sit with Paul to hear first-hand about how he received his inspiration to write what thus saith the Lord. What an awesome conversation that would be!
What book has had the greatest impact on your life?
Other than the Bible, Church Folk by Michele Andrea Bowen greatly impacted my life. It is a great story but that is not the reason. Michele showed me what I could be. After experiencing her novel, I knew that I could do the same thing. I had no idea what Christian Fiction was… had no idea that the genre of literature was in existence. What a blessing she was. She was used by God to show me my destiny; my purpose. Creating stories with fictional characters that contend with real life issues to communicate the genuine and unfailing love of Jesus Christ while making it abundantly clear that Jesus is the only ANSWER is what I am destined to do… In Jesus’ name.
What is the most encouraging advice you’ve received as an author?
The most encouraging advice I have received was “pray...and trust God...and give this over to Him”
What is one tip you would give to aspiring authors?
Firstly, one must believe in their gift and talent. Rejection is part of the process but persistence is the key. I have learned that what God has started in me, He is obligated to finish and I will be successful.
If He has called you to it… He will see you through it!! As an author, your assignment is to write, God will send people for your life. The other aspects; promotion, marketing, notoriety and money will come. Seek ye first the Kingdom, (seek to do God’s will) and everything else will be added!
What new projects can readers expect from you?
I have completed my third novel, THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME. This novel took me the longest to write and has blessed me immensely. It is seasoned with the sensuality of love, the need for familial truth and deliverance as well as God’s promise of hope and redemption. Feelings of condemnation, guilt and shame are some of the underlying reasons why some won’t accept, believe or even acknowledge the unending love Christ has for us. Because of the past, familial history, generational tendencies or even consistently making choices that proved to be wrong, many have decided to live a defeated life of regrets; resolving that they are worthless.
I have also started a monthly news letter... M. Ann’s Literary Communiqué and it is simply an extension of my website newsletter, The Fruit. All are welcome to read and be blessed. http://www.mannricks.net/
Where can your work be found?
One may visit my website; http://www.mannricks.net/ to purchase Awesome Wonder, my debut novel and The Son. Any novels purchased via my website are autographed by me and shipped directly to you. My novels may also be found and purchased in any literary establishment, Borders, Barnes and Nobles, etc. and may be purchased online; i.e.: Amazon, etc.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
I consider it an honor and privilege that New Voices in Print would decide to spotlight me and my novel, The Son. This is truly a God-send. Thank You! I thank God for you Melissa… You were whispered into my heart and that is how this came about! God is wonderful!
I am confident that my steps are divinely ordered and am assured that God has purposed me to affect lives in a realistic way with messages that will birth “overcomers” in the Earth who will glorify God!
Wow, what an amazing testimony on finding your purpose in God. I would encourage everyone ot touch base with Melissa and pick up her books. A blessing awaits you!

Melissa Ewell Miller
Click here Purchase The Son by Melissa Ann Ricks
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